Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where do I find regulations for Overhead Cranes?

OSHA 1910.179 is the main source for your overhead crane regulations. All other forms of regulations were either written to clarify or expand on the existing OSHA 1910 regulations. These regulations cover definitions of cranes and it’s components, general requirements, cabs, footwalks and ladders, stops, bumpers, rail sweeps, and guards, brakes, electrical equipment, hoisting equipment, warning devices, inspections, testing, maintenance, rope inspection, handling the load, and other general requirements.

CALOSHA Title 8 was written by the California OSHA as a supplement to the OSHA 1910.179 standards. CALOSHA over-rides all OSHA regulations that contradict one another. The California OSHA made these regulations because certain parts of the OSHA 1910.179 they felt were not stringent enough so they wrote a more stringent set of standards to protect the users of this equipment. Obviously this is lawful only in the state of California. If your state has its own OSHA department then you may have similar supplements to OSHA 1910.179. Here you will find similar regulations that are in OSHA. You should look here first when you’re in the State of California. If you don’t find it here then go to OSHA 1910.179. Operation, Testing, Maintenance, and Inspections of overhead cranes are the three big amendments that CALOSHA made to the OSHA regulations.

ASME B30 was written to expand on monorails and under-running cranes which is not specified in OSHA 1910.179. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) B30 were written for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings under the accreditation by ANSI (American National Standard). ASME B30 covers general construction, installation, inspections, testing, maintenance, operation, and definitions of monorails, under-running cranes, and its components. ASME B30 over-rides OSHA 1910.179. If you are found in violation of an OSHA regulation that contradicts ASME then you do not get fined.

CMAA 70-2004 (Crane Manufacturers Association of America) are specifications for top running bridge and gantry cranes including multiple girder cranes. These specifications were written by crane manufacturers to promote a standardization of cranes and equipment. This does not only spec manufacturing recommendations but also technical procedures. The CMAA Specification number 70-2004 has six main sections.
1. General Specifications
2. Crane Service Classification
3. Structural Design
4. Mechanical Design
5. Electrical Equipment
6. Inquiry Data Sheet and Speeds

You would look into NEC 610.31, and 430.101 through 430.113 to get the specifications for electrical disconnect regulations. You could also look into NFPA 70E for De-contactors for maintenance purposes which would include hazard analysis, voltage testing and auxiliary disconnects, mechanical interlocks, flash boundaries, and PPE.

If you have any questions or need further assistance please let me know and I will do my best to provide you with the information that you request. I hope this has been helpful.